Social, health and community services supporting Cardinia Shire


Berwick Pakenham Historical Society
Meeting and speakers. The Historical Society meets at the Museum on the first Friday of the month at 8 pm, except in winter (June, July & August) when the meetings are on the first Sunday at 1 pm. We respond to queries from public Have produced several local histories Museum is opening on Sundays 2 to 4.30 pm (except in January) or by appointment at other times.

View info on Berwick Pakenham Historical Society

Cardinia U3A
U3As are voluntary Seniors’ Groups that provide educational, recreational and social programs. Cardinia U3A was established for people in their third age who are over the age of 50 and are retired or are semi-retired. Contact us to find out about membership types.

View info on Cardinia U3A

Caroline Chisolm Education Foundation (CCEF)
At the Caroline Chisholm Education Foundation (CCEF) our work and scholarships unlock barriers to education and create opportunities to those facing hardship. Through access to education at Chisholm Institute we empower individuals and their families to make meaningful changes in their lives. We provide hardship financial scholarship to study courses at Chisholm Institute.

View info on Caroline Chisolm Education Foundation (CCEF)

Chisholm Reconnect Program
Education support & services for disengaged learners between 17-64 years that have not completed year 12 or equivalent and are currently not in training or employment.

View info on Chisholm Reconnect Program

Emerald U3A
U3As are voluntary Seniors’ Groups that provide educational, recreational and social programs. For people in their third age who are over the age of 50 and are retired or are semi-retired. Contact us to find out about membership types.

View info on Emerald U3A

Living Learning Pakenham
Living and Learning Pakenham provides quality training, education, services and skill development in a caring, supportive and flexible environment. A variety of rooms are available for hire.

View info on Living Learning Pakenham

Mission Australia - Parents Next
Mission Australia are not for profit organisation. ParentsNext is for parents under 55 years who have a child aged 9 months to 6 years, have not had paid work in the last 6 months, and receive income support. ParentsNext helps parents to prepare to return to work or training once their youngest child goes to school. We help parents to set their education- and employment-related goals, and develop a pathway to achieving their goals while also helping them link with services and activities in their local community.

View info on Mission Australia - Parents Next

Moy-Yan Neighborhood House
Providing educational, wellbeing and social programs for all.

View info on Moy-Yan Neighborhood House

Outlook Community Centre
Offers a wide range of education options including lifestyle and IT courses.

View info on Outlook Community Centre

School Attendance Support Program- Uniting
School Attendance Support Program (SASP) is an innovative program, offered to primary schools that aims to support children and their families to improve primary school attendance. SASP is a free and voluntary service with referrals made via the school. If you would like support please talk to your school or contact SASP on 03 5945 3900.

View info on School Attendance Support Program- Uniting