Social, health and community services supporting Cardinia Shire


Campbell Page
As a disability employment service provider we help you find long-term employment that best meets your needs. Address: 97 Main Street Pakenham

View info on Campbell Page

Casey Cardinia Jobs
Local jobs noticeboard within the Cardinia Shire Area

View info on Casey Cardinia Jobs

Chisholm Reconnect Program
Education support & services for disengaged learners between 17-64 years that have not completed year 12 or equivalent and are currently not in training or employment.

View info on Chisholm Reconnect Program

Jobs Victoria
Jobs Victoria is a Victorian Government jobs program, providing free, tailored support for older people to help them overcome barriers to employment and find work.

View info on Jobs Victoria

Community-based and not-for-profit, we are one of Australia’s biggest employment services and we reinvest back into the community.

View info on Matchworks

Mission Australia - Parents Next
Mission Australia are not for profit organisation. ParentsNext is for parents under 55 years who have a child aged 9 months to 6 years, have not had paid work in the last 6 months, and receive income support. ParentsNext helps parents to prepare to return to work or training once their youngest child goes to school. We help parents to set their education- and employment-related goals, and develop a pathway to achieving their goals while also helping them link with services and activities in their local community.

View info on Mission Australia - Parents Next

Outlook Disability Service Community Centre
Disability Employment Services. Assisting people living with disability to find employment.

View info on Outlook Disability Service Community Centre

South East Local Learning and Employment Network (SELLEN)

View info on South East Local Learning and Employment Network (SELLEN)

WISE Employment
Disability Employment Services and job active employment programs.

View info on WISE Employment

Workforce Australia
Build your confidence and skills for success with Career Transition Assistance. This service is available for individuals aged 45 and over.

View info on Workforce Australia